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【摘要】量刑題目長期以來被學術及司法界所忽略。理論上,我國刑事法沒有對量刑題目做細致的規(guī)定,而實踐中,法院將量刑題目并進定罪的審理程序中一并考量,加上各地法院作法各異,造成量刑不透明和巨大的差異性。有人主張為了同一量刑采用電腦軟件程式化量刑諸因素。本文提出量刑并非刑的量化,不應該僅僅以如何具體化刑期為中心。量刑實際反映社會對犯罪人終極評價的動態(tài)過程,理應考慮更多因素,將量刑從定罪程序中獨立出來。 【關鍵詞】量刑 刑事司法 定罪 刑罰 恢復性司法 【英文摘要】Sentencing has long been neglected by both legal scholars and the judiciary.Neither the Criminal substantive nor procedure:law elaborates on this issue.In practice,the courts combine sentencing and guilty-finding.into one process.Sentencing has in fact demonstrated huge discrepancies from place to place due to variances in practices of diffrent localities and non-transparency of the process.Some propose to unifY the sentencing practice by utilizing computer programs.However,this *** points out that the sentencing is not a mere process of computing the final sentence,but rather a dynamic process of balancing all factors related to the criminal offense and of fender and *** a final decision of the penalty.Therefore.the sentencing process should be separated from the guilty-finding one. 【英文關鍵詞】Sentencing;Criminal Justice;conviction;penalty;restorative justice【量刑與刑的量化-兼論“電腦量刑”】相關文章: