
и 龰~R

rg2024-09-04 20:35:31 и(TOEFL) ҪͶ
  • P(gun)]

и 龰~R

и ԇ ö²ܸõĴ}ȥ @ҲҪи~RărСи ~Rϣ܎͵!

и 龰~R

due, overdue and pay a fine, renew,

information desk stacks() open/closed shelves,

library card

call slip()catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects),

periodical(magazines and journals), reference books,current/ back issues,

librarian and reader

be far from xij̎h

be nearby xij̎ܽ

go straight across/to/through ֱ^//^

cross (over) ^(ijlֵ)

be next to o

turn left/right D(zhun)/D(zhun)

go up/down ()/()

go back/back/back up

go east/west/south/north |///

go on/along…till you meet……һֱߣֱ…

be on sb’s left/right ij˵߅/߅

be the first/second/third from the left/right /Ҕ(sh)һ//

directly opposite …

be located behind/in front of …ǰ/

be on the corner of A street and B street ABֽRĹս̎

be in the corner of …Ľ

ground floor (Ӣ)׌

wing /һ

annex /ĸٽ

basement /һ

и 龰~RP(gun)£

߿ 龰~R05-27


ӢZ ~R07-18

пӢZ 龰R01-24

пӢZ ~Rw{06-08

2017и ~R07-14

r(nng)I(y)и ~R07-31

и ԇҊ~R10-18

и ԭľx~R01-22

и h(hun)~R09-10