

r(sh)g2024-09-07 07:47:49 ӢZļ ҪͶ
  • P(gun)]




1 accelerate vt. (ʹ) accelerate the rate of

economic growth ٽ(jng)(j)L ɡacceleration n.

accelerating a.ٵ

2 account n. ~] take sth. into account ѡ]ڃ(ni)

3 accustom vt.ʹ(x)T be accustomed to

4 adapt vi. m(yng) adapt tom(yng)

5 adjust vi.m(yng) adjust to...m(yng)

6 advocate vt. P(yng)

7 affluent a.ԣ ɡaffluence n.ԣ

8 annoy vt.ʹ, ʹŭ ɡannoying a. ː˵;

annoyance n. ;?annoyed a.H

9 ascribe vt.ѡw ascribe..to w

10 assess vt.u ɡassessment n. u

11 assign vt.ָx;(I(y)) ɡassignment I(y)

12 assume vt.ٶ 13 attain vt.@ attain one's ideal _(d)

14 attribute vt. ѡw attribute sth.? to ...w

15 attribute vt.w be attributed to? attribute sth. to

16 automatically ad. Ԅӵ

17 boost vt.ƄʹL n. ƄL boost the

economy Ƅӽ(jng)(j)L ɡbooster n.֧Ƅ

18 brilliant a.xx͵ ɡbrilliance n.

19 collaborate vi. collaborate with. sb.

20 comprehensive a. Cϵ CԴW(xu)

21 conscious a. R be conscious of sth. R

22 conserve vt.桢(ji)ʡ conserve energy o(h)Դ

23 considerate a. ]ܵ

24 contribute vt.ؕI(xin) contribute to (do)顭ؕI(xin)

25 convenient a. n.convenience

26 convey vt._(d) 27 cooperate vt. cooperative a.

28 coordinate vt.

29 cultivate vt.B(yng)

30 derive vt. Դ derive from

31 despair vi.^; n. ^ despair of ^; sb. be in

despair ij̎ڽ^

32 disapprove vt. (zhn)ٝͬ ɡdisapproval n. ٝͬ

express strong disapproval

33 dismiss vt.Nš be dismissed by one's company ˾

34 distinguish vt.e ɡdistinguished a.? ͻ

35 distribute vt.ְl(f) distribution n.ְl(f)

36 dominate vt. ֧y(tng) male-dominated society (do)

37 embarrass vt.ʹ, ʹ; ɡembarrassed a.(ij)ε; embarrassment n. چ embarrassing a. (ij)ˌε

38 employ vt. ͂;ʹ in the employ of ܹ ɡ

employer n. ;employee n.͆T employment n. ͂,

unemployment n. ʧI(y) 39 engage vt. ӆ be engaged in sth. ¡

40 enhance vt.ӏ(qing)

41 enroll vt.עʹ ɡenrollment

42 evacuate vt. ɢ

43 evaluate vt.ur(ji)Ӌ(j) ɡevaluation n.

44 evaluate vt.ur(ji)Ӌ(j)

45 excessive a.^ȵ

46 frustrate vt.ʹچ, ʹ ɡfrustration n. ;

frustrating a. ˾چʵ

47 genetic a.z

48 guarantee vt. C

49 identify vt.be(yn) identify theft e͵`

50 immigrate vt. ɡimmigrant n.immigration

51 implement vt.(sh)ʩ ɡimplementation n.

52 incline vi.A be inclined to do sth. Aij

53 inferior a.¼µȵ be inferior to ȡͼ

54 injure vt. ܂ ɡinjured a.܂; injury n. ܂ 55 inquire vi. ԃ

56 instinct n.ֱX human instinct 

57 integrate vt. ʹY(ji)ʹһw ɡintegral a.һw;integration n.һw as an integral whole һ(g)wglobal

economic integration ȫ(jng)(j)һw

58 internship n.(sh)(x)

59 inverse a.D(zhun)D(zhun)

60 justify vt.C(dng)?sh)?/p>

61 launch vt. l(f)_չ launch the spacecraft l(f)w

launch a movement l(f)һ(xing)\(yn)

62 negative a.O

63 notify vt.֪ͨV ɡnotification n.

64 obligation n.? ؟(z)x(w) legal obligation? ؟(z)

65 obstacle n.ϵK

66 optimistic a. ^ be optimistic about sth.ܘ^

67 originate vt.ɡa(chn) originate from ɡa(chn) 68 overcome vt.(zhn), ˷ overcome difficulties ˷y

69 phenomenon n.F(xin)

70 positive a.eO

71 potential a.ڵ potential customer ڿ͑

72 preferable a. õ

73 prevail vt.^ ɡprevailling a. е

74 priority n. (yu) sth. is the top priority (yu)ȿ]

75 proceed vi.M(jn)

76 prompt vt.̼Ƅ prompt sb. to do sth.

77 proportion n. ɡproportional a.(yng)ɱ

78 pursue vt. ׷ ɡpursuit n. ׷ pursue one's dream

79 qualify vt. (ʹ)(ʹ)Y qualify for sth.

ʹСY ɡqualification n.Yl;qualified a.Y

80 recommend vt.]

81 reference n.

82 remind vt.ijע be reminded of sth. 83 relevant a. P(gun)}ġbe relevant to cP(gun) ɡ

relevance n. P(gun)P(gun);irrelevant a. P(gun);}

84 restore vt. ֏(f)ޏ(f) restore reputation ֏(f)u(y)

85 restrain vt. be restrained to do sth.

86 resume n.v

87 reverse vt.D(zhun)

88 sacrifice vt.

89 starvation n.I

90 submit vt. ύ submit sth. to sb. ѡύoij

91 subsidy n.Na(b) provide subsidy for sb. 顭ṩN

92 superior a.߼ߵȵ be superior to ȡ߼

93 survive vt.ڡsurvive sth. ġ

94 transmit vt.

95 tropical a.Ꭷ

96 undertake vt. Г(dn);Cͬ undertake sth.

¡ ɡundertaking n.˜I(y)΄(w)

97 vanish vi. ʧ 98 victim n. ܺ

99 visible a.ɿҊ

100 vision vt. ҕ۹










