

l(f)rg:2017-04-27 ݋:



Benefit ̎

Balance Y(ji);

This year’s profit will balance our previous losses.

Bond ȯs

My father put all his money into stock market bonds.

Brisk Ⲫd¡

The public bar was already doing a brisk business.

Budget A;A

Budget office A cut down the budget

Cancel ໥ cancel out փ

The losses in our overseas division have cancelled out the profits made in the home market.

Bubble ĭӰ

Bubble economy


The government introduced new measures aimed at curbing inflation.

Currency ؛

The Euro will ultimately replace European national currencies.

Decline »

Computer sales declined 6.8 percent this year.

Deficit ֣

A budget deficit a trade deficit

Depress ʹ(jng)ʒl

Several factors combined to depress the Japan’s economy.

Dividend tϢ

The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.


A drastic reduction in employment

Inflation ͨ؛Û

Inflation rate

Issue l(f)

Issue shares

Levy ն

Levy a tax on firms

Foam ĭ

Foam economy

Rate rM

Saving ;(ji)s;

Bank savings

Item ƷƷ

You can get its items you want in our supermarket.

Installment ڸ

Buy goods on the installment plan have become quite popular in recent years.

Merchandise Ʒ ؛

Monopoly Ŕu

The telecommunication service in the country is a government ]monopoly.

Premium (ͶU˾֧) U;;~N

Insurance premium premium system

Promote NN

Mr.Miller is going to London to promote his company’s new product.

Refund ߀߀

One can return the purchase within 15 days for a full refund.

Turnover ɽII(y)~

Trademark ̘



Pantene—— ϴl(f)ˮƷ ~˼ ̴s_ܶͣ

Tide—— ̭n ~dzϫ˼g“̭n”óˮϴ·

Pampers——͌m 냺ƷƷ ˼“v”g“͌m”ϋ

Clairol—— ϴl(f)ˮ ~˼ ͸ҕ˼ܰ^l(f)ϴ峺͸

Dove—— ܽ ɿԡ¶Ʒ,~ӵ˼

Crest ——ѝʿ ~“_^”


Gaint ——˼F עԵ _܇ƷGiant ֻýнݰ


Bird ——֙Cеđ(zhn)C ߀Û]нСB֙C

Super ——K ˼dz IJ

Boss ——ϰƳ͟C ֱ̫ @Û]

Nice——{˹ @ƷƵСWӢZԓnjWͦõ

3̘e` ӢZ̫

Robust —— ̼ԭԞǾ˼䌍һHx~Ұ

li-ning —— ӢZ~lining rϵ˼yȥIr·

4(chung)†~̘ b~γɪ̘ ǻ۵wF(xin)

Hisense—— “High”c“Sense”M϶“Ʒζ”“”

Holiland—— holy ʥĺland طMɵĺϳ~Ӣ̘˶ 

Ipod—— O˾MP3 Lȫ I podǶv˼ ҵMP3v

Lux ——ʿ ȡݳ޵luxury ʾ@NƷ|(zh)Ʒ

Fanta ——_ Դچ~fantasy ʾ@N̫úǴҵĻ

Lenovo——““(lin)” ǰl(f)egend˓ע ǸijLenovo novo DŽ(chung)µ~

Compaq —— ~compact׃һ @NXǺ

Haier —— ghigher _ҪwĸߵԸ

Glea ——{(dio) ľgleed׃ϣܸ߸ddIĿ{(dio)

Sony —— ԴSonic • S  walkman ע•|(zh)

Acer ——X Դ aceƵ˼҂˵A

Volvo ——֠܇ Դvolve ~ʾD(zhun) {(dio)܇݆LL_h


Doctor lense ——ʿ ֱgDzʿ[R

Head and shoulder ——wzP(gun)ע^ͼϵ^м䌍ǾVZ“ұȄe˸һI”

Only One——“һ̖”(ڷҺ)hZƷHIӢZƷஔ

Jeans west ——S˹ ֱgţѝ ͣ

Green sword ——G 䌍ԓg G Ō

Playboy ——@ﲻǽ^HxŶ

Goldlion—— ֱgǽ{ f DZMʧԸķQ

Up2u —— bƷ xup to you ˼Ը

Blueribbon —— {ơ gķdz_{ɫĎ

Oral-b ——W-bˢ oral ǿڲ˼ ʾ

Goodyear —— خ݆̥ ֱgǺܺõ݆̥ ܉һ

Safeguard——w Ć~˼safe l(wi)ʿguard ǼĽl(wi)ʿҼґ֪ԵƷƣͲf

Carefree—— ~˼ǟono]߀“”ϣnjon{(dio)ˮa(chn)ƷĿ

Whisper——o挚 ~˼ ZԒl(wi)Ć}ֻf

Smart Ŀ Ʒ ~”͕rֵ˼



Puma ——R ~˼ ު{ \µƷު{һл

Quick —— BiƷ _˿˵ԸͬrҲ_һNa(chn)ƷЧo˂eĸX

Sprite ѩ “С{(dio)Ƥ”;;`P(gun)Ҫ_ѩ̾ͿˬďV~“͸ě”

Robust()ѵ wvҪρv@oɾucˣgIJeһcҪע@~cHx


Tide ̭n(ϴ·)ҲĴ_ϴ·ռ(j)˺ҪЈ

Raid_()ȡradaruѲ˼ ʴ_fԼa(chn)ƷĶλ

Rejoice h(ϴl(f)ˮ)ϲ dp֮Ǻ

Super K()ؼƷ 偾еđ(zhn)C

Youngor Ÿꠖ(r) Youngerp λʿ

NikeͿ(Ь)Ů ɵıܰ

Giant ݰ(܇)oԺ܅Ę

Lenovo“(lin)(X)Legendf ҲĴ_XИI(y)һ


amazed е@Ӡ;amazing@Ӡ;ambiguousģɿɵ; approved J; approvingٝS;arbitrary

bewildering (=puzzling) Ի;biased (=prejudiced)ƫҊƫĵġ


depressed еچʵ;depressing ˾چʵ;depressive ֵn;disappointed(=dismayed, frustrated)еʧ;disappointingʧ; doubtfulɵģò(wn);dubiousІ}סģֵÑɵqԥQ

enthusiastic ġ


hostile ;humorous Ȼ

identical ͬ;impartial(=detachedneutral, even-handed)ƽģƫе]ƫҊ;indifferentĮP(gun)ĵģMں;indignant (ƽ) ;ironic S̵

merciful ݵģʴȵ

negative񶨵Oģ; neutralƫеġ

objectionable𷴌˷е; objective^; opposed; opposite ;optimistic^;outraged ⑍

partial ƽ; perplexed е;pessimistic ^, positive϶;prejudicedƫҊ; puzzledе; puzzling

radicalMO˵; resentful ʾԹ޵;reserved б(ni);reserved consent бͬ;respectable ɾģе;respectful MжYò;rival (=competitive) ġ

scared@ֵֻŵ, sensible ǵͨ_;sensitiveе, skeptical ɵ;slight contempt ҕ;subjective^;supportive ֵ֧ģsuspiciousɵĵ, sympatheticͬġ

