иԇ~ReҲǺҪġСռP(gun)и гķ~Rϣ(du)
go back/back/back up
go east/west/south/north |///
go on/along…till you meet……һֱֱ…
be on sb’s left/right ij˵߅/߅
be far from xij̎h(yun)
be nearby xij̎ܽ
go straight across/to/through ֱ^(gu)//^(gu)
cross (over) ^(gu)(ijlֵ)
be next to o
turn left/right D(zhun)/D(zhun)
go up/down ()/()
be the first/second/third from the left/right /Ҕ(sh)һ//(g)
directly opposite …(du)
be located behind/in front of …ǰ/
be on the corner of A street and B street ABֽRĹս̎
be in the corner of …Ľ
ground floor (Ӣ)
step _(ti)A
wheel chair access o(w)_(ti)A/
aisle ^(gu)
intersection/crossroad ʮ·
a fork on the road ֲ·
a T road ·
wing /һ
annex /ĸٽ
basement /һ