

發(fā)布時間:2017-09-27 編輯:少冰

  SAT考試總時長3小時50分鐘(230分鐘),共有閱讀(Reading)、文法(Writing and Language)和數(shù)學(Math)三個必考科目和一個作文(Essay)選考科目。考生們是如何復習SAT語法的呢?下面是小編為大家整理收集的關于SAT語法錯誤識別題的相關內(nèi)容,僅供大家參考。


  1. He is not sure ifA he shouldB buy the new computer now orC wait until he receivesD his next bonus. No errorE.

  2. Mark scored poorlyA on the test, whichB is not surprising sinceC he did not prepare adequatelyD. No error.E

  3. I preferA Marlene to anyB hairdresser I have visitedC in the past because she has such a good understanding of her clients‘D needs. No errorE.

  4. The archivist hadA not onlyB a deep interestC but also a clear understanding of the historical documents inD the museum. No error.E

  5. With skill and surprisingA gentleness the fireman managed toB lower the injured cat downC from the top ofD the tree. No errorE.

  6. Was the woman whoA you think you sawB leaving the building wearingC a nurse’sD uniform? No errorE.

  7. As he held openA the door for her, she could not ignore the look on his face,B a look that aggravatedC her self-consciousness as they proceededD along the street. No errorE.

  8. Many people genuinely want to beA fitter, but fewB have the tenacity for stickingC to a suitable regimeD of diet and exercise. No errorE.

  9. Safety precautions and emergency exits, matters of great concern forA builders of commercial establishments, areB often overlookedC when designingD a new home. No errorE.

  10. From the time he took upA his new position asB head of the department, he has beenC concerned aboutD the legitimacy of his appointment. No errorE.

  11. My grandmother sees remarkableA well considering thatB she has endured four operations on her eyes and suffered fromC vitamin deficiency duringD her childhood. No errorE.

  12. The academy members wagedA a relentless war against my supervisor and IB because ourC research seemed toD contradict the findings of the head of the institution. No errorE.

  13. You seldom see anyone in Europe spittingA in public nowadays, mainlyB because theyC had a successful campaign againstD this health hazard in the post war years. No errorE.

  14. Neither of the artists we have commissionedA to execute the mural areB able to startC work beforeD September. No errorE.

  15. Professor Chandra‘sA pioneering work onB rainwater harvesting and recharging of groundwater in drought prone areas have beenC drawing media attentionD. No errorE.
